Mon, Apr 12
Mon, Apr 12


Rich Cultural Heritage of Bukharian Jews II: Language and Literature

On the heels of previous IJE sessions on Bukharian Jewish history and culture, we invite you to join us for a deeper dive into the literary and linguistic tradition of Bukharian Jews. Through our exploration of the eclectic literature and dynamic language of Bukharian Jews, we will discover some of the essential ways in which this Central Asian Jewish community has developed its vibrant and multifaceted culture. Our discussion will take us on a journey to Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan, the Land of Israel, the United States and beyond.

Originally from Uzbekistan, Ruben Shimonov grew up in Seattle, where he obtained his BA in International Relations, Near Eastern Studies, and Jewish Studies at the University of Washington. As a Bukharian Jew—whose multilayered identity lies at the intersection of Mizrahi, Sephardic, and Russian-speaking Jewish (RSJ)—Ruben roots his work as an educator, social innovator, and community builder in a deep passion for the diverse cultural mosaic of the Jewish people.

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