Sun, Jun 02
Sun, Jun 02

film festival

26th New York Sephardic Jewish Film Festival Opening Night Ceremony

The 26th Anniversary Edition of the American Sephardi Federation’s New York Sephardic Jewish Film Festival will be held from June 2nd to 9th, 2024.

This year’s festival promises to be truly extraordinary, as we proudly announce NY, US and international premiere films, world-renowned filmmakers and actors receiving the Pomegranate Awards and the return to the American stage, hand in hand with the ASF, of the iconic internationally acclaimed singer and songwriter Enrico Macias.

Join us at the Opening Night for a mesmerizing performance by Enrico Macias and the Pomegranate Awards Ceremony honoring acclaimed filmmaker Alexandre Arcady, cultural icon Stella Levi, and celebrated actor and director John Turturro.

Presented by:

film festival