Sun, Jan 28
Sun, Jan 28


Addressing Antisemitism: Contemporary Challenges – In-person & live on YouTube

Addressing Antisemitism: Contemporary Challenges – In-person & live on YouTube

Addressing Antisemitism: Contemporary Challenges seeks to explain the recent upsurge of Jew hatred in the contemporary world. Timed to coincide with International Holocaust Remembrance Day and co-sponsored by the Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism (ISCA) at Indiana University, the symposium brings together prominent scholars to discuss the challenge of defining antisemitism, explaining its explosion in Europe and the United States, understanding its dissemination through digital media, and determining how scholars and activists should best combat it in an era of intensifying global turmoil.

Click here for a list of panels and speakers.

Tickets include lunch and a wine and cheese reception after the program. Speakers will be selling and signing books throughout the day.

Museum Director’s Tour of The Golden Path: Maimonides Across Eight Centuries 
Please join Yeshiva University Museum Director Gabriel Goldstein for a 30-minute exhibition highlights tour. Meet in front of the Popper Gallery at 1 pm. The exhibition will also be open for viewing during the wine and cheese reception from 5:30 to 6:00 pm.

This symposium is presented in partnership with Indiana University’s Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism (ISCA) and has received generous support from the Achelis & Bodman Foundation, the David Berg Foundation, the Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM), the American Jewish Committee’s Edward M. Chase Educational Fund, Robert S. Rifkind, the Moise Y Safra Foundation, and the Office of the President, Fairfield University. The symposium is the fourth installment in a larger series of public symposia sponsored by the Center for Jewish History’s Jewish Public History Forum.

This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council.

Presented by:
