Mon, Sep 30
Mon, Sep 30

exhibit opening & panel discussion

 em Between Antisemitism and Activism  The Jewish University Experience in Historical Perspective        em In-Person Event

Between Antisemitism and Activism: The Jewish University Experience in Historical Perspective – In-Person Event

7:00pm:  Exhibition viewing
7:30pm:  Panel discussion followed by reception

Given the continuation of campus protests against the war in Gaza between Israel and Hamas, CJH’s new exhibition Between Antisemitism and Activism could not be more timely.

Between Antisemitism and Activismexamines the turbulent experiences of Jewish students and faculty at European and American universities over the course of the past century. Through a series of thought-provoking historical vignettes, visitors will explore how Jews have been targets of antisemitic persecution as well as passionate leaders of activist movements.

From the harrowing experiences of Jewish scholars in Nazi Germany to the creation of Jewish student organizations in the United States, the exhibition offers visitors a historical perspective on the ongoing challenges facing Jewish students and faculty on college campuses. As college students return for the fall academic semester, the exhibition will provide essential historical context for understanding the complexities of Jewish life and activism at today's universities.

Panelists Eric Alterman (Brooklyn College), Rebecca Kobrin (Columbia University), Jodi Rudoren (editor-in-chief, The Forward), and Daniel Schwartz (George Washington University), will discuss the history and present-day reality of antisemitism at American universities since October 7th. The discussion will be moderated by CJH President Gavriel Rosenfeld.

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exhibit opening & panel discussion