Sun, Nov 19
Sun, Nov 19

jewish genealogical society monthly meeting

Sleuthing in Yiddish: The Yiddish Forward as a Source for Family History Information

In this presentation, Samuel Norich, vice-president of the Forward Association, will provide an overview of the role of the Yiddish Forward has played for American Jews for the past 120 years.

He will examine the features and innovations that made it the most widely read Jewish publication in the world for the first six decades of the 20th century, and now make it a resource for

historians and others delving into the Jewish communities of America and Europe of those times.

Samuel Norich has distinguished himself as an analyst of American Jewry's communal structures. He is the author of "What Will Bind Us Now? a report on the institutional ties between Israel

and American Jewry." He has served at president of the World Jewish Congress, as executive director of YIVO (1980-1992), and as chief executive of the Forward Association.

Born in Displaced Persons camp in Germany in 1947, the son of Polish Jews, Mr. Norich emigrated to the U.S. with his family in 1957, and was educated at Columbia, Hebrew University inĀ 

Jerusalem, and University of Wisconsin.

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jewish genealogical society monthly meeting